• A Christmas ‘Star’

See a once in a lifetime celestial Christmas event!

On December 20-21-22 (2020) Jupiter and Saturn will look REALLY close together, the closest they’ve appeared in 400 years! They’ll be so close that they’ll both sit in the same telescopic field of view. Awesome and WOW!!!

Gisborne Astro-Tours will be running a special three night event for this very rare conjunction.

On Sunday 20th, Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December 2020 we will be running a ‘Christmas Star’ event. People are welcome to come out and watch a short video about the event, then look at our celestial ‘stars’ (well, planets) as they put on their show. We’ll also be showing you the Moon and a few other choice targets.

It’ll be a short tour – will take about 30 minutes from when you arrive. It starts at 8:30pm and will be over (when Jupiter and Saturn set) by 10:00pm – so be in quick and don’t miss out on this super rare event – something you can tell your future grandkids about – “I was there!”.  You don’t have to book for this event – just turn up!

Come and see this once in a lifetime event!


Telescope with Man - Gisborne Astro Tours


Adults = $20

Children (under 16) = $10

Under 5s are free

CASH ONLY (no Eftpos sorry).

You don’t have to book for this event – just turn up!


You can park in the paddock (if it’s not boggy) or on the side of the road. 23 Bilham Road, Patutahi (about 12 km west of Gisborne) – see the map below.

Heading west from Gisborne, you cross the Waipaoa River and come to a large roundabout. Take the last exit – heading towards Patutahi/Ngatapa. Take the fifth (5th) road (Bilham Road) on the right. GAT is the first house on the left. A few solar lights will be glowing on the left side of the road by a gate. We meet at the lecture room – a medium sized ‘shed’ set in the paddock.

Gisborne Astro Tours - Map for Christmas Star

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